Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flour, Eggs, and Financial Regulation

I feel sort of ridiculous. I usually think of bloggers as falling within two buckets: those who are blogging as a job, and those who are blogging to update friends/family on Unusual Escapades or Grand Adventures. I am neither of those. And having read blogs of friends in Teach for America, serving the poor in St. Louis, and generally solving the world's problems for little to no money, I realize people generally have little motivation in reading about my life - that while perhaps marginally interesting one cannot really compete with the "how-I-single-handedly-saved-an-African-village-from-drowning-by-teaching-free-bridge-weaving-classes-to-indigenous-people" stories.

However, I am going to ignore all of that, and write about what I find interesting - namely, at the moment, finance, baking, and living life in the current locale of the big apple.

So stay tuned ... at least you'll never know what you might find here next! :o)


  1. Laura I think you will do great. If you get stuck or get writers block just call Hadar!

  2. PS if you have not seen them yet go see Delta Rae at Rockwood this Saturday. Hadar and Lois thought they were very good and one of the composers also wrote the song "Cooler Than Me" which his Duke classmate Mike Posner recorded and has become a big summer hit.

  3. OK so where are the blog entries woman. As for part of the title on Financial Regulation why not tell us a bit about how that topic looks from your perspective.
