Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Britt Scripp Scones

A couple weeks ago Chris and I were in Southern California for vacation and spent the last couple days of our trip in San Diego at the Britt Scripps Inn (pictured on left), a home from the 1880's renovated into a nine room B&B. The place was great... individualized service, and each room had its own unique decorating theme. We were in the carriage house, a freestanding house in the yard converted into a room with a french country decor. But by far the highlight of the stay (for me at least) was the made-to-order breakfast, which began each morning with a different scone course...not to mention the fresh squeezed OJ in crystal juice glasses, personalized menus, and cute tables for 2.

On our last morning there, I found the chef and asked for the scone recipe. Afraid it was a secret family recipe, I was ready to grovel and offer to name a future child after her, when I was shocked to hear the recipe came from the Joy of Baking online! The one listed is chocolate chip, but another morning we had a blueberry with white chocolate chip version that was awesome too. For those adventurous in the kitchen, the recipe is here:

I've never seen buttermilk in a scone recipe before, so perhaps this is its secret to greatness??

I have a secret dream of one day opening a small store that is half bakery, half bookstore. Yes, I know e-readers are the new thing (full disclosure: I have a kindle and love it), but nonetheless, the dream lives on. Anyway, I have now added these scones to my imaginary baked goods inventory. (Maybe if I sell kindles the business will actually be viable?) In the mean time, however, I'll keep my current job as an investment portfolio/accountant type. Maybe I can be like Clark Kent, accounting/financing during the day and popping out at secret moments to save people's lives with a much needed slice of apple pie...

A few other pictures of our California escapades:


  1. I will totally help you run that little book bakery. I can make pies! We can recreate the greatness that was Clarisse! Chocolate chip cookies anyone? I'm IN!

  2. Prince Books in downtown Norfolk is a fairly small, independent bookstore with a little cafe/bakery in it as well. It seems to still be doing fine. You should go for it!

  3. That's my dream, too- I'd love to help! I can run your cupcake division and serve as the token librarian on the staff :)
